Monday, January 20, 2014

Why are Parents Hypocrites?

I vow to be real to my kids man, so the answer is IDK why parents try to pretend that they were never young, like they never made mistakes!  Watch this man beautifully use spoken word poetry to say just that! And Remember if you want change you have to stand up! Change comes when you take a stand for what is right!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Down the Rabbit Hole

Can we indeed learn lessons from jumping head first into a rabbit hole aka mistake?
 I'd like to think so.  I'm an adult though so I have perfectly good knowledge on the subject of making mistakes that you don't have.  That means you can either listen to me, or ignore me and call me an old fart, but either way you're still gonna make those mistakes!
So, those of you who are here and you value my advice and know I am totally cool, not judging you, here's my tip of the week.  DON'T STOP making mistakes, you couldn't even if you wanted to.  That rabbit sure makes things sound like you have to decide RIGHT NOW!  Truth is, if you stop and think for a second you might decide that you've already learned from making that mistake once before.  Well, how many times you wanna make a mistake? I don't know about you but I don't like to be a slow learner! I like to master my lesson and move on!
So, if you need me you can find me HERE  AND HERE & HERE!
Just reach out, and I'll answer!

 In the mean time here's a beat for ya! DOWN THE HOLE